Prepare for Integration Exams with GPS Dutch

STEP 1. Setting the Goal

Inburgeren is an integration process, a legal requirement for those who want to settle in NL permanently via citizenship or residency. Read about integration process on DUO official website in English, or in your own language. Taking exams is a part of this integration process. There are several types of exams, depending on your particular situation and a goal.

Inburgeringsexamen* is taken in NL and you have 3 years to pass it. A letter from DUO informs you on the important dates of this period, Inburgeringstermijn. Not passing all exams on time has financial consequences, a fine of €250-1250. Read about Integration Exams on DUO official website.

  • Schrijfvaardigheid – Writing Skills
  • Spreekvaardigheid – Speaking Skills
  • Luistervaardigheid – Listening Skills
  • Leesvaardigheid – Reading Skills
  • Kennis Nederlandse Maatschappij – Knowledge of Dutch Society
  • Oriëntatie op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt – Orientation on the Dutch Labor Market (for applicants after January 2015).
Where You Stand and Where You Going

Let’s start with understanding of CEFR system of language levels. A description of listening, reading, speaking and writing proficiency for each level is illustrated on CEFR grid in English or your own language. You can assess your level of proficiency with a self-evaluating questionary available in English or your own language. We matched the CEFR system and exams based on the information available:

A1 – Basisexamen Inburgering in het Buitenland
A2 – Inburgeringsexamen
B1 – Staatsexamen NT2-1
B2 – Staatsexamen NT2-2

*At the moment we are focusing on Inburgeringsexamen. As soon as we get more Knowledge and Experience contributed from the community, we will pass it on. Subscribe to our newsletter to be informed. 
Learning materials are relevant to all learners, see our comparison of the examination and CEFR systems above.

STEP 2. Start Learning: Free & Low-price Apps

This is the longest period when you build an entire new catalog of information in your brain. There is no magic – it simply takes time and practise.

Babbel. This App offers the best combination of quality and price on the market. When you get a Babbel subscription via GPS Dutch (by clicking on this link or the illustration on the right), you get:

The resources below are good as an extra since they won’t cost you anything. We don’t mention others for a reason – not all free stuff is worth your time, and not all expensive stuff is worth your money. Here are few to give a try:

STEP 3. Wrap it Up with a Study Book

Nederlands in Gang is a complete functional method to get your Dutch skills up to the Inburgerinsexamen level / A2 CEFR. Take a look at its 18 chapters of comprehensive content that covers grammar, pronunciation, spelling, sentence structure, etc. The book covers every-day situations, very similar to exam samples. All authors: Berna de Boer, Margaret van der Kamp, and Brigit Lijmbach are teachers at the Language Centre / Groningen University.

STEP 4. Practise, Practise, Practise

Practise with a Bot!

AI is a hot topic in the news, but many didn’t notice that some forms are already available. Here below are few tools that will work for you just fine!

STEP 5. Getting Ready for the Exams

We organised the information based on the resources available on the DUO official website as of January 11th, 2017. You may want to check the current status of the information online, or contact DUO.

Schedule Exams

You can schedule exams with DUO online, but you will need a DigiD number.

There are 5 locations where you can schedule your exams:


STEP 6. Never Stop Learning!

We will introduce new resources, tools, tech gadgets. The information is crowd-sourced, so we welcome your input.

Join our meetup group to find local events.

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